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Livat Hammersmith

Livat Hammersmith

Located in the heart of London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, Livat Hammersmith, a new space for residents, Londoners and visitors to come together to have fun, to experience new things, and to eat and shop.

Alongside the new IKEA store, inspired by the creativity of the people of Hammersmith, Livat Hammersmith is home to a number of other retail offerings, including Lidl, Sainsbury’s, H&M and Primark. It also offer a bookable ‘pay-by-the-hour’ adaptive retail space operated by Sook, giving local start-ups, pop-ups and food outlets run by local entrepreneurs flexible space and support to grow and truly flourish. An iconic feature of the meeting place is the new atrium that provides a sheltered spot at the heart of Hammersmith where visitors can chat with friends or simply read a book.

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Prenajímateľná plocha

Fakty a čísla

Rok otvorenia






Parkovacie miesta


Prenajímateľná plocha


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Verejná doprava

Bus, Metro

Plány Centra

  • First floor
  • Second floor
  • Underground floor 1
  • Underground floor 2
Livat Hammersmith floor 0

Naše služby

  • Wheelchair
  • Waste bins
  • Resting areas
  • Parking
  • EV Chargers
  • Bike parking spaces
  • ATM machines
  • Livat Gift Card
  • Clothes Mending Circle
  • West Central London Fixers

Nájdi svoju cestu

King Street
W6 9HW

Kontakty pre prenájom

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