INGKA Centres logotype
Port Lodz main

Port Łódź

Port Lodz, together with its strategic partner – IKEA store, is the largest suburban shopping centre in the region. Clearly planned, single-storied building was designed to provide visitors with most comfortable conditions to do the shopping. Conveniently arranged area is complemented by innovative Patio (7.000 square meters) – commercial and recreational part with stage, fountain and playground area for kids. In addition Port Lodz provides its visitors with free co-working zone and large, arranged green areas  where one can find external gym, basketball and beach volleyball fields and special zone for dogs training. All that to enrich our visitors’ experience and create real Meeting Place for them.

Spádová oblast



Pronajímatelná plocha

Rychlá fakta

Rok otevření


Úroveň or podlaží




Parkovací místa


Pronajímatelná plocha


Spádová oblast


Veřejná doprava

Bus, Tram

Informace o trhu

maps lodz catch

Plány podlaží

  • First floor
  • Underground floor 1
Port lodz floor 0

Naše služby

  • Parking
  • Family at the table
  • Where to play?
  • Identity wristband for children
  • Family room
  • Free stroller rental
  • Special menu for the youngest!
  • Bicycle town
  • Training zone for dogs
  • Basketball court
  • Volleyball court
  • Football pitch
  • Recycle Station
  • Treadmill
  • ATMs/Deposit machines
  • Free Bike Parking
  • Free cloakroom
  • Free WiFi
  • lost-and-found office
  • Boules
  • Minigolf
  • First aid room
  • Outdoor gym
  • Electric Greenway
  • Bicycle repair station
  • Coworking Zone
  • Shopping with a dog
  • Wayfinder / Touchscreens
  • Post
  • Restaurant
  • Disabled Services
  • Male Toilet
  • Female Toilet
  • Noise-cancelling headphones
  • Quiet zone
  • Chess table
  • Table tennis
  • Fitness trail
  • Patio

Najděte si cestu

Pabianicka 245

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